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Mother of Pearl Hearts Earrings


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Lovely Mother of PEarl earrings on 18 karat yellow gold setting.

• 18 karat Yellow Gold 0.9 g
• Mother of Pearl hearts 0.8 x 0.8 cm
• Total Weight 1.8 g, each earring 0.9 g

At Intini Jewels we are committed to provide a unique luxury experience, through jewelry designed by us and inspired by beauty and authenticity.

Take love with you everywhere! This breathtaking earrings have a sweet design and the most precious stones. The carved mother of pearl shape activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition and enhances your senses to find love. The deep color encourages emotional clarity and purity of the heart.

These jewels are inspired by the pure feeling of love and inner serenity. The heart represents the transparency of the feeling and the mother of pearl represents the balance. Join our italian designers through a magical trip around the hues of love.

Peso 1,8 g


Pietre Preziose



Spedizione GRATUITA sopra ai 100€.

Tempistiche: Italia 1 giorno, Europa 1-3 giorni, resto del mondo 2-4 giorni dalla data di spedizione.

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